These 40+ People Didn't Realize Their Childhood Habits Were Super Weird Until Their Spouse Was Like "What Are You Doing?!"
These 40+ People Didn't Realize Their Childhood Habits Were Super Weird Until Their Spouse Was Like "What Are You Doing?!"
Over the course of your life, you're bound to pick up some habits that you don't share with everyone. Upon living as closely with someone as a spouse, some people realized that some of the things they considered everyday practices were odd habits from their partner's perspective. These people all shared some of the habits that surprised their spouses.
An Interesting Combination
We all had favorite snacks when we were kids. Some snacks are concoctions you find so tasty, you carry them into adulthood as well. When this person shared mac n' cheese with their boyfriend for the first time, the way they topped their plate left their boyfriend shocked. After all, not many people pair apple sauce with instant mac n' cheese. But, hey — if it tastes good to you, enjoy.