30+ Times Grandparents Were So Wholesome, They Restored People’s Faith in Humanity
This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.
We’re so lucky to have grandmas and grandpas. In fact, without them, we wouldn’t be here! So, we kinda owe them everything. We hope you have memories of the times your grandparents were so wholesome, they restored people’s faith in humanity. But if you don’t, we’ve compiled a heartwarming list of social media posts and imagery featuring the most loving grandparents demonstrating their love, compassion, and selfless actions.
Say Hello to Your Grandson
Here's a doting grandfather meeting his brand-new grandson for the very first time. Have you ever seen a grown man so full of love and pride? In fact, he's not full - he's positively over-brimming with love, so much so that it's leaking out of his eyes. The new dad and photographer wrote on social media, "I've never seen my dad so happy. Feels real good, man!"
With a relationship like this and his reaction to meeting his grandson, you know he's gonna be the World's Best Grandpa!