45 People Who Had One Job and Just Couldn't Get it Right

This article appeared in thefashionball.com and has been published here with permission.

Head and Shoulders

We all know the song, "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." We probably all sang it as children to learn exactly where the head, shoulders, knees, and toes are on the body. However, one worker seemed to forget this rule when making this mural.

Head and Shoulders

Either this is supposed to be an abstract piece of art, or this really is a fail. Maybe this was supposed to be an artistic interpretation of one of Henry VIII's wives! We may never know, but it still gave us a good laugh.

Stacking Problems

When you've worked at a job for such a long time, sometimes doing the daily tasks become so repetitive and monotonous that we'll switch off our brains. When we're not thinking, we'll ignore the obvious instructions that are staring us right in the face.

Stacking Problems

That must certainly be the case for this worker, who ignored the massive 'DO NOT STACK' instructions before proceeding to...stack them anyway. Sometimes it makes us wonder whether having these instructions are of any use at all.

A Ruined Surprise

People often underestimate the effort that goes into planning a surprise party. First of all, everyone's schedules need to align so that everyone can attend. Secondly, the group needs to make sure that the celebrant in question doesn't know anything about the festivities. Seems simple enough!

A Ruined Surprise

Unfortunately, this poor person who was planning a surprise birthday party for her mother discovered the hard way that plans don't always go the way we hope. Let's hope they were able to pull off the surprise with no other hitches!

It's Fashion Darling!

Looking at fashion magazines and runways from different fashion weeks can really make a person wonder whether they really know what is fashionable, and what isn't. Gray sweatpants are in right now, and can really add to that 'athletic casual' style. However, we think this might be taking it a bit far.

It's Fashion Darling!

We're not sure whether this was an intentional fashion choice, or someone mixing up the wrong patterns. Either way, this seems like a major fashion faux pas that people should avoid.

A Bunderful Mistake

Hot dogs are a staple at every summer BBQ. When the weather is nice and the sun is shining, however, everyone rushes to the grocery store for the perfect BBQ treats. Often, people will just have to make do with whatever they can find, but this might be a mistake.

A Bunderful Mistake

There might have been a mistake with the labels, or the packaging itself. Either way, biting into one of these with your hot dog will almost guarantee you more bun than dog.