35+ Parents Who Should Be Fired From Being Parents
This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.
Some people were born to be parents, raising their little ones in a healthy environment and trying to always have a good influence on them. But, some people out there should never have had kids in the first place. From leaving your four-year-old in charge as the babysitter to dismissing your child’s mental illness, we’ve compiled a list of posts that prove these parents really should be fired from their parenting duties.
Potty Mouth Toddler
Children's language grows and develops based largely on the language they're exposed to by the adults around them. Unfortunately, this means they also pick up the things we don't want them to say, like curse words.
So she's not even sure if her toddler, who barely understands what they say and hear anyway, said a bad word, and reacted by shoving the kid in a corner for half a day. Talk about an extreme reaction. We won't even address why on earth a toddler has an iPhone.