35 of the Most Paused Movie Scenes in Hollywood History

This article appeared in vibeforest.com and has been published here with permission.

Some of the most jaw-dropping moments in movies can happen so quickly that you simply have to pause to understand exactly what's happening. Blink at the following paused movie scenes and you might miss them!

Scanners (1981)

While it's not the most recognizable film on this list, Scanners has developed a strong fan base since its 1981 release. This scene has been paused so much due for its gory nature, it happens so fast that you simply have to rewind and pause to get the full effect of it.

Scanners (1981)

Basic Instinct (1992)

It has to be, without a doubt, one of the most iconic and provocative shots in all of movie history. Sharon Stone certainly stole headlines for her performance in 1992's Basic Instinct. However, this scene ultimately overshadowed the entire movie and for obvious reasons. Despite seemingly being fully dressed, Stone's leg crossover gave viewers a lot more than they had anticipated going into the movie. It's amazing how many people failed to finish the movie because they paused on this scene.

Basic Instinct (1992)

She's the Man (2006)

If you know the works of William Shakespeare, you might have realized that the 2006 comedy She's the Man is actually a modernized version of the play Twelfth Night. In the latter, Viola dresses up as her twin brother Sebastian to pass off as a male. In She's the Man, Amanda Bynes's character does the exact same thing in order to get into a soccer team. However, when she's caught, Viola pulls her top up to confirm that she is, in fact, a young woman. Naturally, many paused.

She's the Man (2006)

Cabin in the Woods (2012)

This is one movie that has one of the most paused scenes in movie history for very different reasons. Cabin in the Woods received rave reviews because of its meta approach to the horror genre. During a scene where scientists are working out what could happen to the main characters, a whiteboard can be seen detailing a list of creatures being controlled by the scientists. So many viewers have paused this scene to get a closer look at which monsters are actually on the list.

Cabin in the Woods (2012)