Employees Stop Going Above & Beyond at Work and Join "Quiet Quitting" Trend — But Bosses Aren't Happy
Employees Stop Going Above & Beyond at Work and Join "Quiet Quitting" Trend — But Bosses Aren't Happy
Most people have to work to make a living. However, not every job is as easy to put down at the end of the day. Some expect a lot of you, sometimes even more than you expected when you started the job. Enter a new concept that's gaining attention — quiet quitting.
What's Quiet Quitting?
The idea behind quiet quitting is simple. When you go to work, you do exactly what your job is and when you go home, you step away from the stress. In other words, the idea is to work within your hours and not run yourself thin. The term doesn't actually refer to quitting your job in the traditional way. The concept here is that you do keep working but you don't bend over backwards to do more than expected every single day or bring that stress home.