40+ Wholesome Tweets That Show What Real Friendship Is All About

There are some things in life that you just really value. The connections you have with close friends are one of those things that most people wouldn't trade for anything. These posts show how much these people value their friends and they're really heartwarming!

A Sign of True Friendship

There are some friends that you make when you're young that you just lose contact with because things happen in life.

A Sign of True Friendship

Especially when you're a kid, it can be hard to stay in touch when you don't have full control over where you go or live. Luckily, these two had the chance to connect later in life and realized that they definitely hadn't forgotten about one another even a bit.

Not a Bad Idea

There are some things that you do for your friends because you want them to know that they're important and just how much they mean to you.

Not a Bad Idea

That's why this person finds it so important to say those words out loud. While actions are great, sometimes your friends just need to hear that you're in their corner and that you support them no matter what.

It's Hard Out Here

When you're young, you might make most of your friends naturally by just being around them in class or during after-school activities.

It's Hard Out Here

This person found it just wasn't quite the same as an adult. Then again, there's definitely a lot more room to make your own schedule and cancel plans once you're all grown up. That can really put a damper on meeting new people too.

Shout Out to You

When you're at a party or hanging out with a group, sometimes it's hard to put yourself out there and strike up a conversation. Unfortunately, the truth is that it doesn't always work.

Shout Out to You

There are times you start to talk and you can practically watch people's attention start to drift away. That's when someone like this feels really encouraging to have around. It's a little boost to know that at least someone's paying attention.